
We offer free worldwide delivery on every Mouza fine Jewellery order. Replicas are delivered only within the UK. Jewellery in our collections can be shipped to you in 3-4 weeks, and delivery on our replicas will take between 1-4 days from the initial consultation.

If you require your item urgently, in some cases, we can ship items quicker than standard; however, please discuss this with us before placing your order.

Your fine jewellery from Mouza will be beautifully presented within a luxury case; however, the outer protective packing for delivery will be discreet with the return address listed as "Mouza London" for insurance purposes.

All items shipped within the UK are delivered via Royal Mail Special Delivery, fully insured. Our global orders are delivered via FedEx, again fully insured until they have been delivered to you.


We are confident you will be delighted with your purchase. However, should you need to return your item, we have the following guidelines for returns:

Products must be returned within 14 days of receiving them.
Products must be unworn and undamaged.
Your item must be returned with any GIA certificates or gemstone grading reports and all supporting paperwork that came with it.
Jewellery missing any of its original diamonds or gemstones cannot be returned.
Jewellery must not have been adjusted in any way by any other jeweller or anyone else.
Bespoke commissions, personalised items, replicas, or engraved items are excluded from our returns policy unless faulty.

** If your purchase meets the above criteria, a refund will be issued within 28 days of return. Please note: if you have lost your GIA certificate or gemstone grading report, this can be replaced; however, it is a lengthy and expensive process. Therefore we reserve the right to deduct a £450 fee per certificate to cover the costs if your jewellery is returned without the original GIA certificate.

In the extremely rare event that items are found to be damaged or defective on delivery (through no fault of your own), the item can be repaired or replaced, or you will be fully refunded. If you are unsure whether your jewellery can be returned, please contact us by emailing info@mouza.co.uk or calling us on 07888888779.

Mouza Lifetime Manufacturer's Warranty

We are proud to offer a Lifetime Warranty on all our Mouza fine jewellery. If at any point you have concerns about your Mouza jewellery, please contact us by emailing info@mouza.co.uk or calling us on 07888888779 to discuss delivery of your item to our workshop.

If, upon inspection, your item is deemed to have a manufacturing defect, we will repair or replace the item accordingly. If the damage is not deemed to be a manufacturing fault, we will advise you on our repair services.

Diamonds and gemstones can have naturally occurring irregularities. Such natural characteristics will not be deemed a fault. However, our gemologists will advise you on stone quality and characteristics when purchasing, in accordance with its gem report.

To keep your Lifetime Warranty valid, the following conditions apply:

Mouza's Lifetime Manufacturer's Warranty is only available to the owner of the item and for items made by Mouza. Any alterations made by jewellers other than Mouza will void your warranty. Please make yourself aware of how to best care for your jewellery, or contact us at info@Mouza.co.uk for advice.

OUR 4C’s Quality



Our diamonds are cut to perfection to maximize their fire and brilliance. ensuring that you receive the highest quality and most sparkling stone possible.



We only offer diamonds that are graded VS or higher, ensuring that any imperfections are not visible to the eye and are difficult to see even under 10x magnification.



Our diamonds are graded D-F Coloureless, by GIA for earth mined stones or IGI for lab grown, ensuring that each stone has the maximum sparkle.

carat weight

0.50 - 10.00 CT

We have a large selection of lab grown and earth mined diamonds. From 0.50ct up to 10.00ct available in our Hatton Garden's showroom in 8 shapes.



Our diamonds are cut to perfection to maximize their fire and brilliance. ensuring that you receive the highest quality and most sparkling stone possible.



We only offer diamonds that are graded VS or higher, ensuring that any imperfections are not visible to the eye and are difficult to see even under 10x magnification.



Our diamonds are graded D-F Coloureless, by GIA for earth mined stones or IGI for lab grown, ensuring that each stone has the maximum sparkle.

carat weight

0.50 - 10.00 CT

We have a large selection of lab grown and earth mined diamonds. From 0.50ct up to 10.00ct available in our Hatton Garden's showroom in 8 shapes.

Our promise

14 Days Returns

Some conditions apply—
please visit our FAQ page

Free shipping

Free shipping worldwide
on all Mouza fine jewellery

Free Valuation certificate

Receive a valuation
certificate for your records

10% off wedding bands

When you purchase a
Mouza engagement ring

14 Days Returns

Some conditions apply—
please visit our FAQ page

Free shipping

Free shipping worldwide
on all Mouza fine jewellery

Free Valuation certificate

Receive a valuation
certificate for your records

10% off wedding bands

When you purchase a
Mouza engagement ring